What is SALAD/Art works

Introduction of Sal-Show 1.0

창작집단 샐러드 2012. 3. 2. 14:59


Creative Artists' Group, Salad's Citizen Theater Series Ⅰ


Sal-Show 1.0- Uijeongbu


Genre: Drama, Performance

Duration: 30 minutes

Creation/ Direction: Kyongju Park

Character: future migrant workers 1, 2, father, uncle, Korean teacher 1, 2, migrant workers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, wife of migrant worker 1, migrant worker 1 in dream, daughter 1, 2,

Show: Ganesh Rijal, Agus Saepulloh, Bimala Shrestar, Chaudhary Bir Bahadur, Kalpana Gurung, Adhikari Bisho Prakash, Yam Prasad Thapa, Kaji Gurung, Ardiansyah Pasadena

Host: Korea Arts and Culture Education Service, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Supervision: Salad

Consortium: Uijeongbu Foreign Workers' Center

Premiere: 2010 Sal-Show 1.0- Uijeongbu (Place: Uijeongbu Arts Center-Small Theater)


Salad opened an acting academy for migrants in Gyeonggi North district and a jointly created performance was presented on the stage as the product of the academic course.


The 'Sal-Show 1.0' performance where all 15 students who completed the academy participated creates new ways of narratives out of the existing theater formality.


What the audience can see on stage are not well-trained performances of actors and actresses but the movements through which actors and actresses of migrant workers show their identities as laborers: the esthetics of bodies moving in breathless speed on production lines in industry.


The 'Sal-Show 1.0', unfolded both in their mother tongues and Korean, is rather a documentary drama than a fiction.


The Sal-Show 1.0' now extends into further meetings among participant migrant workers and performances in their factories and daily living spaces.

* The Citizen Theater Series is creative theater series through which Salad supervised visiting acting academies for migrants and children and through the joint creation process produce performing arts. Creative artists' group, Salad prepares diverse approaches to connect education for international understanding and education of arts and culture.