Musical Harong Tutu
- Production: SALAD
-Support: Shinhan Bank
-Writer/ Lyrics: Kyongu Park
-Director: Kyongju Park
-Duration: 65 minutes
-Music Director: Gil Hizon
-Music Composer: GiI Hizon
-Assistant Dorector: Lorna de Mateo
-Actors and Actresses: Urna Ulanchiemeg, Seha Kim, Youngju Ha, Steban Park, Dika Andrea, Phan Ti Qui Minh, Wadi Septem Maung and others
Planning Intention
The creative musical whose main character is a child of multicultural family speaks of difficulties of multicultural families from a child’s perspective. Even though the musical’s general background is school, the story has music room for extra-curricular activities as its setting. It is the writer’s wishes that children who are generally under the burdens of private educations can get away from academic worries during the performance.
The main axis of the play is practicing musical instruments. Children can escape from academic stresses while watching the show and musical performance.
Children of music club are preparing for national contest. Even though the day of contest comes close, the practice is still far from complete. One day, Jimin a Burmese child whose parents moved to Korea, joins the club with a Burmese musical instrument. Ara, one of the club mates and a child of mongolian multicultural family, becomes fascinated at the performance of Jimin.
On the other hand, YoungSuk, who has an affectionate feeling towards Ara, doesn’t like Jimin and tries to get him out of the team. By showing the episodes of children from both regular and multi-cultural families resolving trivial conflicts and cooperating towards their common goal of winning the national contest, the musical piece educates children on the sense of citizenship and attitudes in a multi-cultural society.